Friday, November 6, 2015

Something Strange and Deadly: Discussion Two

If you want to join in there is still time to sign up. Whether you want to join in on the first book, second, third, or all three! Sign up HERE

Discussion Questions for Chapters 1-14
**Disclaimer: It's okay if you haven't gotten through the first half yet. Or if you have already passed that point. Just answer them to the best of your ability. For the people who are joining this for the Heist in the Street Team. Just answer 1-2 questions for a discussion and post it somewhere (Blog, Tumblr, Instagram are acceptable for Heist Points!) And remember this is for fun!**
Last time I answered all of the questions, but due to mass amounts of homework and stress, I'm only going to answer two.
7. Who is your favorite character in the first book and why?
Eleanor, of course!!! I love how she's so sassy and independent. She's not afraid to do what other people tell her not to do. I also love her comebacks for when she bickers with Daniel. I love their banter!! *swoons*
8. How would you convince your friends to read this book?

Well, if they're my friend, they'll read it because I tell them too!
Badass girl who helps fight zombies with 19th century Ghostbusters!

Who ya gonna call!? SPIRIT HUNTERS!!

I'm not sure if I'll reread the second and third book too, as it depends on how much time I have. I'd at least like to reread some of my favorite scenes. If you haven't read this series, or the sequels, you NEED TO! It's an amazing trilogy and it's one of my favorites!

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